Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hair Chalking "How-To"

 A Simple & Safe Way to Let Your Kids Play with Hair Color

This trick is fun for kids to do to each other and best of all, it will all be gone with one shampoo. Since the instructions in the photograph are minimal, let me add a few tips of my own:

  • Hair chalking will only show up on hair that is light brown to blonde. The weak color intensity of chalk just won't show up on dark hair.

  • Make sure the hair is dry when you apply the chalk.

  • Apply a little hairspray to the ends of the hair and let it dry prior to chalking. It will help the chalk adhere to the hair. 

Peace & Hairpiness,

For more hairstyling, hair cutting and hairstyle photos for children and teens visit my website, .

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Does Cutting Your Hair Really Make It Grow Faster?

Everyone has heard that if you cut your hair it will grow faster. Seems counter-intuitive, so is it true?

Well, yes and no.

Hair doesn't grow from the ends outward like a plant does. Hair growth occurs at the scalp. That"s why you get "roots" when your hair color has grown out (why are there so many plant analogies related to hair anyway?). But, if you keep the ends trimmed regularly your hair does seem to grow faster. Here's why:

Over time even healthy hair will develop small splits at the ends. If these splits aren't trimmed off regularly, they will continue to split and re-split and extend further up the hair shaft. When your hair gets to this point, the abrasion that occurs with your hair moving across the fabric of your blouse, sweaters and coats is enough to break off small amounts of the ends. So, even though your hair is growing normally at the scalp (which is about a half inch per month), it's breaking off gradually at the ends.

Simply making sure that you get the ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks will keep the ends of your hair healthy and allow it to grow longer.

By the way, no vitamin or supplement or anything that you apply to your scalp will have even the slightest impact on your hair growth. So save your money and spend it on a good haircut, because that really will help it grow..

You can learn more about teens and children's hair at my website:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Simple Do-It-Yourself Up-Do For Teens

To do this hairstyle you will need:
  • light hold hairspray
  • natural bristle hair brush
  • bobby pins that match your hair color
I love this up-do. Just about any girl with long hair could do this at home. In the second photo she's using a natural bristle brush to back comb her hair ("teasing" for those of you born before 1980) . Don't skip this important step as it creates the fullness and gives you something to help hold the bobby pins.

Would you like some lessons on Hair Cutting?
There are Free Lessons on my website at How To Cut Children's

Peace love & hair-piness,
Source: via Larry on Pinterest

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Cute and Easy Braided Hairstyle for Young Girls or Teens

I know, technically the model in the picture isn't a teenager. But this hairstyle is a simple, easy way for anyone to create a cute hairstyle for their young girl or teenager. Even Dads can do this one.

It's perfect for school days or it can be "fancied up" for weddings or parties by adding in some inexpensive (fake) rhinestone or pearl pins.


Source: via Bell on Pinterest